This is the only website known to us that is devoted to the history of Greek love, but for those with a broad interest in it, here are listed in alphabetical order some websites that seem in different ways likely to be found useful or interesting. Descriptions intended to be useful supplements to shallow perusal of the sites themselves are given to help you decide if they would interest you. All but the three noted are in English.
A publisher set up in 2021 "challenging the relatively very recent dehumanising dogma concerning Greek love with memoirs, novels and other high-quality literature illuminating the more enlightened attitudes to it in gentler times and lands." The website, still in its infancy, will be offering articles, reviews, excerpts and interesting background information on the books published and their authors.
A long-standing messaging board for those attracted to boys, its main focus is on the present. The subject-matter and quality of the posts are extremely variable, and if you browse it at random, you are quite likely to be bored. The key to using it satisfyingly is its format, which can also be off-putting before its value is understood, but which makes it easy to follow what the posters you have found to be interesting have to say, while ignoring the rest. The most interesting are exceptionally well-informed and insightful about Greek love, and, happily from the point of view of this website, tend to be the most interested in its history.
Rather than itself saying much, this site has by a very long shot "the most comprehensive list of boy-related links ever compiled." Though the focus is on what about boys and Greek love interests those attracted to them today, it is a wonderful resource for the boy's place in culture, the record of which is obviously historical.
A substantial wiki with English, French and German language versions for boylovers "to record and preserve [their] own history, culture, and heritage", with high-quality articles (often giving information not to be found elsewhere online) and fine illustrations. If only the most-widely known wikis lived up to this one's standards of truth and objectivity. (See the English Wikipedia's article on Gabriel Matzneff, rewritten in Newspeak in 2021, for an example of how shamefully low it often sinks).
Despite the title, a French website devoted to "films and books on the sexuality of boys and their sexual love affairs with each other (special friendships) and with men (pederasty)."
If you have read enough on this website to conclude that Greek love, depending on individual circumstances, has brought about much the same mixture of joy and grief as other forms of love, then you may wonder why you have never heard of boys experiencing it positively in recent times. Apart from vigorous suppression by the law and a deeply hostile culture, meaning that attempts to practise it are few and tend to end in severe grief, the answer is simple: censorship. The boy who over time is not persuaded by relentless assertion in the media that he must have been harmed by his sexual experience with a man (however wonderful it had felt at the time) and dares to say so, will face disbelief or disaster. Consider the case of Milo Yiannopoulos, whose successful career was destroyed in 2017 the moment the media caught onto the positive things he said the year before about his seduction at thirteen of a priest.
Consenting Juveniles is a brave, new venture into giving voice to the victims society genuinely refuses to hear, the minors of either gender who have often been reduced to misery by the forced destruction of their love lives. A few of the cases date from the less intolerant times with which this website is concerned.
A website whose purpose is purely humane: to rescue those attracted to boys today from the miserable low-esteem that usually results from society's one-sided portrayal of them, achieved by presenting the other, decent side through stories, essays, poetry and more. With this objective and its banner of "You Are Your Story", it might be considered the counterpart for men of the Consenting Juveniles website. However, there is much more reading for pleasure to be found here, especially the books by Jay Edson offered for free download, of which Marcus and Me is one of the finest Greek love novels ever written.
Unfortunately only of marginal interest, the current survivor of the good-natured but generally dull and vacuous online boy-love magazines that have tried to fill the void once filled by several fine print magazines. Unlike in the best of them (Destroyer, Koinos etc.), Greek love is effectively silenced through a supposedly inclusive but mostly pedophilic narrative. First issue September 2023.
Historic Archives - Male Nude Swimming
Despite having nothing to say about Greek love, this website is of interest because positive attitudes to male homosocial nudity and the practice of Greek love have not only often flourished under the same conditions, but have also fallen into severe disfavour over the last half-century due to many of the same social changes. An eye-opener for anyone who does not realise we live in exceptionally prudish times.
210 (as of July 2023) positive reports, almost all extremely short, of sexual liaisons between boys and men in the 20th century, drawn from other sources, published interviews and memoirs and website postings, told from the boy's point of view.
A blog in French mostly devoted to pictures of young men and boys, but with a few related articles on the arts and literature. A shadow of its former self, the pre-February 2020 articles, many of value for the recent history of Greek love in France, having been suppressed.
Male Homosexual Attraction to Minors Information Center
A thorough and objective survey of all the known psychiatric literature pertaining to pederasty.
Here are to be found, in original Greek or Latin with English translations, most of the surviving texts from the golden age of Greek love in Europe, before Christianity began the demonisation of it.
Devoted to "Gay History & Literature", but including Greek love and lesbianism within its remit. Concentrated on English history and with essays slightly marred by a fixation on fighting the overwhelming historical evidence for a "constructionist" view of sexual history, this website is invaluable for its presentation of copious rare primary sources, especially for the 18th and 19th centuries.
Defunct websites that may be accessible via the Wayback Machine etc.
A French website with a substantial archive of beautifully-presented, scholarly articles dedicated to "the factual, literary and artistic history of homosexuality" with emphasis on the French, pederastic and modern. Sadly, this expired in February 2023 due to the death of Jean-Claude Féray, its founder and owner, in 2022. Greek Love Through the Ages is planning, with his blessing, to present translations of many of its articles.
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