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three pairs of lovers with space



The following lists are in reverse chronological order, so that the first articles to be published or to be amended are at the bottom.

"Amended" means seriously so, and does not include the addition of links to other articles on the website, the addition or deletion of images, the correction of spelling or grammar, or minor changes in phrasing.

Unlinked articles in black are ones that were later unpublished.

Other articles on this website will be found in the lists for those first published or last amended in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024.

Articles first published in 2017
Articles last amended in 2017

Xenophon's Hellenika

Plutarch's The Life of Agesilaos

The Ottoman prince Jem and the lovely French boys, 1482

The Philippines in Boys for Sale

Iran in Boys for Sale

Turkey in Boys for Sale

The Arab Near East in Boys for Sale

A biography of Len, a New York pimp, 1969

The Crucifixion of Hyacinth by Geoff Puterbaugh, review

The Oasis of Siwa in 1947-8, by Robin Maugham

Dieter, a Viennese boy on the game, 1932-6

Michael Davidson's loves in French Morocco, 1937-40 and 1947

Michael Davidson in Tangier, 1940-48

A Chleuh Dance: Marrakech, 1947

The Tales of Prince Tāj al-Mulūk and his Friend Azīz

Egypt in 1783 by Constantin-François Volney

A Voyage into the Levant by Henry Blount, 1636

Naples, 1958, by Michael Davidson

"The Effects of Purdah on Boys" by Michael Davidson

"Rome" by Michael Davidson, 1948 and 1954

A New Account of East-India and Persia by John Fryer, 1698

The Religion and Manners of the Mahometans by Joseph Pitts, 1704

The Baburnama, 1494-1529

Saigon and Hanoi, 1949-50 by Michael Davidson

The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America, 1875-6

"Socratic Love" in Voltaire's Philosophical Dictionary, 1764-78

Boys for Sale by Dennis Drew & Jonathan Drake, 1969

"Pederasty" by Sir Richard Burton, 1886

Offences Against One's Self: Paederasty by Jeremy Bentham, ca. 1785

Lahore by Michael Davidson, 1949

Preface to the French translation of Alcibiades the Schoolboy, 1891

Introduction to Alcibiades the Schoolboy

Alcibiades the Schoolboy, ca. 1630 (full English translation)

Travels in Assyria, Media, and Persia, 1815

Pederasty in ancient Crete

Harmodios and Aristogeiton, 514 BC

The Boys of the New Israel, 1948

Ischia, Island of Lavish Boys, 1951-53

Greek love in Japan

To Be or Not to Be a School Tart at Eton, 1946-7

Saikaku, The Life of an Amorous Man, 17th century

Tortured to Death with Snow on His Sleeve, 17th century

Though Bearing an Umbrella, He Was Rained Upon, 17th century

Within the Fence: Pine, Maple and a Willow Waist, 17th century

Stephen Fry on his boyhood, 1970-1

The World's Last Island of Innocence, 1950

The Luvverly Feelings of Cockney Mates, 1937


Michael Davidson, 1897-1975

An Accident in the Alps, 1929

Stories Toto Told Me by Baron Corvo, review

The Hustler by John Henry Mackay, review

Kandahar Journal, 2002

Notes of a Journey in Turkistan, 1873

Kit by Alan Edward, review

On Favouring Tradtional Sea-Bathing, 1882

Catania in Sicily, 1959

Greek love in modern Italy

An American initiated in war-time Naples, 1943-67

Greek love in modern Germany

Interview with Hajo Ortil, 1981

Ralph Nicholas Chubb: Prophet and Paiderast, 1892-1960

Shakespeare's Boyfriend and Sonnet XX, 1590s

Hindoo Holiday: An Indian Journal by Joe Ackerley, review

Michael Davidson in Berlin, 1928-33

Dakar, 1948 by Michael Davidson

Michael Davidson in Rangoon, 1949

Jede Liebe ist Liebe (Every kind of love is love) by Heinz Birken, review

J.M. Barrie and the Lost Boys: the Love Story that Gave Birth to Peter Pan by Andrew Birkin, review

Eros Kalos by Jean Marcadé, review

Paidikion: A Paiderastic Manuscript

The Orton Diaries, 1967

The Tale of the Third Kalandar

Culture clash in Sri Lanka, 1981

Bosie's Adventures in Algeria, 1895

Robin Maugham at Eton, 1930-2

Taming Mr. Rudge, 1928

The Kaluli of New Guinea

Greek love in modern France

The initiation of André Gide, 1893-5

Dutch policemen who understood, 1981

Greek love in the modern Netherlands

Edgar, 11, on national Dutch radio in 1981

The Chameleon, 1894

Bosie's Misadventure in Paris, 1900

Report from Sweden, 1980

Greek love in modern Sweden

The House That Paul Built

The Way It Is in Morocco, 1974

The Priest and the Acolyte, 1894

The poems of Lord Alfred Douglas, 1893-6

James Lees-Milne on his boyhood, 1923-6

"Le Vice" in Turkey

Ali Pasha and his sons, 1741-1822

Boy-love in middle and northern Albania, 1854

Albanian pederasty in 1979

On Homosexuality in Albania, 1908

Greek love in Albania

Greek love in modern Great Britain

Sri Lanka in 1979

Sophokles as a boy-lover, 5th century BC

Scotty Bowers on his boyhood, 1931-8

Full Service by Scotty Bowers, review

Adam and the Paradise Garden by Peter Gilbert & Tom Holt, review

On Tyranny and Love, ca. 473 BC

Girls or Boys?

Greek love in the Solomon Islands

The Entimos Pais of the Gospels, ca. AD 29

The Thousand Nights and One Night

Gavin Lambert on his boyhood, 1935-40

Attic Adolescent by Bob Henderson, review

Tim by Howard Sturgis, review

Cry to Heaven by Anne Rice, review

Sagitta's Books of the Nameless Love by John Henry Mackay, review

Death in Venice by Thomas Mann, review

Reasons of the Heart by Bron Nicholls, review

Enchanted Youth by Richie McMullen, review

Enchanted Boy by Richie McMullen, review

The Cleveland Street Scandal by H. Montgomery Hyde, review

The Lantern Bearers by Ronald Frame, review

Josef Jaeger by Jere’ M. Fishback, review

Kim, My Beloved by Jens Eisenhardt, review

Special Friendships by Roger Peyrefitte, review

Roy by Roger Peyrefitte, review

All Boys Together by Robin Yeo, review

Lunch with Elizabeth David by Roger Williams, review

Sandel by Angus Stewart, review

l'Alcibiade fanciullo a scola by Antonio Rocco, translated as Alcibiades the Schoolboy, review

The Tragedy of Sir Hector Macdonald, 1903

Buggery in Buganda, 1885-7

Nineteene Yeares Travayles by William Lithgow, 1609-16

Hebephilia a mental disorder? by Bruce Rind (pdf)

Europe, 5th-17th centuries (History)

India & Central Asia (History)

Oceania (History)

Japan in Boys for Sale

Michael Davidson and Keibo Suzuki, 1950-51

Love letter sent in a sea bass, 1663-7

Peg Boy by R.G.Berube, review

Costa Brava by Frits Bernard, review

The falling age of puberty

General issues in the history of Greek love

Understanding the British Empire by Ronald Hyam, review

Empire and Sexuality: The British Experience by Ronald Hyam, review

"Jockers" and "Punks" in the early 20th-century north-western USA

The Americas (History)

The Near East & North Africa (History)

Africa, sub-Saharan (History)

The Boy-Wives of the Azande of the Sudan

A brief excerpt from Wind by Xinyue Zhuren, 17th century

The Far East (History)

Greek Love by J. Z. Eglinton, review

General non-fiction (Literature)


The Histories of Alexander the Great by Curtius Rufus

On the role of the fighting cock in Greek pederasty

Did the Greeks pedicate their loved boys?

Notre Amour by Roger Peyrefitte,translated as Our Love, review

Thailand in Boys for Sale

The correspondence of Uncle Go, 1970s-80s

Greek love in Siam


Fielding Gray by Simon Raven, review

Simon Raven on his boyhood, 1937-9

Europe, modern (History)

Lovers' Legends: The Gay Greek Myths by Andrew Calimach, review

The Greeks and Greek Love by James Davidson, review

The Medici Boy by John L’Heureux, review

Forbidden Friendships. Homosexuality and Male Culture in Renaissance Florence by Michael Rocke, review

Other histories (Literature)

Prince Eddy and the Homosexual Underworld by Theo Aronson, review

‘Alexander's Choice’

The Judgment of Caesar by Steven Saylor, review

Oscar Wilde's Scandalous Summer by Antony Edmonds, review

It's Okay to Say Yes. Close Encounters in the Third World by J. Darling, review 

Teardrops on My Drum by Jack Robinson. review

The story of the Pergamese Boy, 1st century AD

The Secret Life of Oscar Wilde: An Intimate Biography by Neil McKenna, review

Antiquity (History)

The Persian Boy by Mary Renault, review

Fiction and drama

Alexander's Lovers by Andrew Chugg, review

Oscar Browning. A Biography by Ian Anstruther, review



The Real Tadzio: Thomas Mann's 'Death in Venice' and the Boy Who Inspired It by Gilbert Adair, review

Biographies (Literature)

What was Greek love?

Xenophon's Hellenika

The Ottoman prince Jem and the lovely French boys, 1482

The Philippines in Boys for Sale

A biography of Len, a New York pimp, 1969

The Crucifixion of Hyacinth by Geoff Puterbaugh, review

The Oasis of Siwa in 1947-8, by Robin Maugham

Dieter, a Viennese boy on the game, 1932-6

A Chleuh Dance: Marrakech, 1947

The Tales of Prince Tāj al-Mulūk and his Friend Azīz

Egypt in 1783 by Constantin-François Volney

A Voyage into the Levant by Henry Blount, 1636

Naples, 1958, by Michael Davidson

"The Effects of Purdah on Boys" by Michael Davidson

"Rome" by Michael Davidson, 1948 and 1954

A New Account of East-India and Persia by John Fryer, 1698

The Religion and Manners of the Mahometans by Joseph Pitts, 1704

The Baburnama, 1494-1529

Saigon and Hanoi, 1949-50 by Michael Davidson

The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America, 1875-6

Europe, modern (History)

"Socratic Love" in Voltaire's Philosophical Dictionary, 1764-78

Boys for Sale by Dennis Drew & Jonathan Drake, 1969

"Pederasty" by Sir Richard Burton, 1886

The Near East & North Africa (History)

Offences Against One's Self: Paederasty by Jeremy Bentham, ca. 1785

Lahore by Michael Davidson, 1949

Preface to the French translation of Alcibiades the Schoolboy, 1891

Introduction to Alcibiades the Schoolboy

Alcibiades the Schoolboy, ca. 1630 (full English translation)

Travels in Assyria, Media, and Persia, 1815

Harmodios and Aristogeiton, 514 BC

The Boys of the New Israel, 1948

Ischia, Island of Lavish Boys, 1951-53

The Far East (History)

To Be or Not to Be a School Tart at Eton, 1946-7

Love letter sent in a sea bass, 1663-7

Tortured to Death with Snow on His Sleeve, 17th century

Though Bearing an Umbrella, He Was Rained Upon, 17th century

Within the Fence: Pine, Maple and a Willow Waist, 17th century

Stephen Fry on his boyhood, 1970-1

The World's Last Island of Innocence, 1950

On the role of the fighting cock in Greek pederasty

The Luvverly Feelings of Cockney Mates, 1937

An Accident in the Alps, 1929

Stories Toto Told Me by Baron Corvo, review 

The Hustler by John Henry Mackay, review

The poems of Lord Alfred Douglas, 1893-6 

Kandahar Journal, 2002

Notes of a Journey in Turkistan, 1873

Kit by Alan Edward, review

On Favouring Tradtional Sea-Bathing, 1882

Catania in Sicily, 1959

An American initiated in war-time Naples, 1943-67

Interview with Hajo Ortil, 1981

Ralph Nicholas Chubb: Prophet and Paiderast, 1892-1960

Shakespeare's Boyfriend and Sonnet XX, 1590s

Hindoo Holiday: An Indian Journal by Joe Ackerley, review

Dakar, 1948 by Michael Davidson

Michael Davidson in Rangoon, 1949

Michael Davidson and Keibo Suzuki, 1950-51

Jede Liebe ist Liebe (Every kind of love is love) by Heinz Birken, review

J.M. Barrie and the Lost Boys: the Love Story that Gave Birth to Peter Pan by Andrew Birkin, review

Eros Kalos by Jean Marcadé, review

Paidikion: A Paiderastic Manuscript

Culture clash in Sri Lanka, 1981

Bosie's Adventures in Algeria, 1895

The Priest and the Acolyte, 1894

Taming Mr. Rudge, 1928

The Kaluli of New Guinea

The initiation of André Gide, 1893-5

Dutch policemen who understood, 1981

Edgar, 11, on national Dutch radio in 1981

The Chameleon, 1894

Bosie's Misadventure in Paris, 1900

Report from Sweden, 1980

The House That Paul Built

The Way It Is in Morocco, 1974

James Lees-Milne on his boyhood, 1923-6

"Le Vice" in Turkey

Ali Pasha and his sons, 1741-1822

Boy-love in middle and northern Albania, 1854

Albanian pederasty in 1979

On Homosexuality in Albania, 1908

Greek love in Albania

Sri Lanka in 1979

Scotty Bowers on his boyhood, 1931-8

Full Service by Scotty Bowers, review

Adam and the Paradise Garden by Peter Gilbert & Tom Holt, review

Greek love in the Solomon Islands

The Entimos Pais of the Gospels, ca. AD 29

Attic Adolescent by Bob Henderson, review

Tim by Howard Sturgis, review

Cry to Heaven by Anne Rice, review

Sagitta's Books of the Nameless Love by John Henry Mackay, review

Death in Venice by Thomas Mann, review

Reasons of the Heart by Bron Nicholls, review

Enchanted Youth by Richie McMullen, review

Enchanted Boy by Richie McMullen, review

Empire and Sexuality: The British Experience by Ronald Hyam, review

The Cleveland Street Scandal by H. Montgomery Hyde, review

The Lantern Bearers by Ronald Frame, review

Josef Jaeger by Jere’ M. Fishback, review

Kim, My Beloved by Jens Eisenhardt, review

Special Friendships by Roger Peyrefitte, review

Roy by Roger Peyrefitte, review

All Boys Together by Robin Yeo, review

Lunch with Elizabeth David by Roger Williams, review

Sandel by Angus Stewart, review

l'Alcibiade fanciullo a scola by Antonio Rocco, translated as Alcibiades the Schoolboy, review

The Tragedy of Sir Hector Macdonald, 1903

Buggery in Buganda, 1885-7

Nineteene Yeares Travayles by William Lithgow, 1609-16

Hebephilia a mental disorder? by Bruce Rind (pdf)

Japan in Boys for Sale

Peg Boy by R.G.Berube, review

Costa Brava by Frits Bernard, review

The falling age of puberty

Understanding the British Empire by Ronald Hyam, review

Greek Love by J. Z. Eglinton, review

Did the Greeks pedicate their loved boys?

Notre Amour by Roger Peyrefitte,translated as Our Love, review

Thailand in Boys for Sale

The correspondence of Uncle Go, 1970s-80s

Fielding Gray by Simon Raven, review

Simon Raven on his boyhood, 1937-9

Lovers' Legends: The Gay Greek Myths by Andrew Calimach, review

The Greeks and Greek Love by James Davidson, review

The Medici Boy by John L’Heureux, review

Forbidden Friendships. Homosexuality and Male Culture in Renaissance Florence by Michael Rocke, review

Prince Eddy and the Homosexual Underworld by Theo Aronson, review

‘Alexander's Choice’

The Judgment of Caesar by Steven Saylor, review

Oscar Wilde's Scandalous Summer by Antony Edmonds, review

It's Okay to Say Yes. Close Encounters in the Third World by J. Darling, review

Teardrops on My Drum by Jack Robinson. review

The story of the Pergamese Boy, 1st century AD

The Secret Life of Oscar Wilde: An Intimate Biography by Neil McKenna, review

The Persian Boy by Mary Renault, review

Alexander's Lovers by Andrew Chugg, review

Oscar Browning. A Biography by Ian Anstruther, review

The Real Tadzio: Thomas Mann's 'Death in Venice' and the Boy Who Inspired It by Gilbert Adair, review