The aim of this archive (continuing the work begun by Steven Freeman; see the Asher Archive), is to collect together and organise as much interesting information about boy actors and boy movies as possible in one place. The hope is that this site will become a useful online resource for those researching boy actors in the movies, providing an alternative perspective to sites viewing everything through the lens of modern ideology.
All Archive pages can be accessed either from 'Subjects with Pages in the Archive', or from 'The Lobby'. In the latter, the subjects are arranged according to how recently they were added to the Archive, thus enabling those returning to this site to quickly access whatever pages have been added since their last visit.
Clicking on 'THE MOVING PICTURE BOY ARCHIVE' just below the banner image of any page will take you back to this page.
List of Contents
Subjects with Pages in the Archive
Films by Country of Production
TV Series by Country of Production
Readers' Lists
The Lobby
We are looking for good quality reviews of films and TV series. You can post short reviews using the Comments section at the foot of the appropriate page. For longer reviews (more than a paragraph or two), email them to, along with the pseudonym by which you wish to be known on this site, and the review will be published on a separate page.
Good quality scans or photos of contemporary promotional materials, such as film programmes, lobby cards, interviews with boy actors in old magazines, and such like, would also be very welcome. Send your contributions to the above address (along with the pseudonym by which you wish to be known, in order to receive an acknowledgement on this website). Your email address will, of course, never be published.
You can also submit lists of your favourite films - click on Readers' Lists in menu above for more details.

Further Information
Mark Cousins, The Story of Film (TV series about the history of cinema in general; series available on blu-ray and DVD. A book was also published to accompany the series.)
Mark Cousins, A Story of Children and Film (TV movie specifically on the subject of children – mainly boys – in cinema history; available on DVD)
The Moving Picture Boy, John Holmstrom, Michael Russell, Norwich, 1996. Indispensable guide to boy actors. The current site is named in honour of John Holmstrom's volume.
The Moving Picture Boy Gallery, Paul Sutton, Buffalo Books, Cambridge, 2014. Companion volume to the above, with reproductions of promotional materials, etc.
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